Call for Works

“If something is boring after two minutes, try it for four.
If still boring, then eight. 
Then sixteen. Then thirty-two.
Eventually one discovers that it is not boring at all
.” – John Cage

Space/Time Berlin is a new platform for bringing together contemporary 1764_534017703426466_6554403353828061434_nvideo and performance artists whose work focuses on affecting audiences’ experience of time. Presented as a series of events taking place across Berlin’s free arts scene, Space/Time challenges audiences to move beyond the thirty-second glance of art tourism to find new ways of viewing art and the world. Given that video and performance exist in four dimensions, can these mediums alleviate, rather than simply add to, the deluge of digital stimulation that infiltrates every aspect of contemporary life? Can art decelerate our lives?

For its second edition, Space/Time Berlin is currently seeking submissions from video artists and performers whose work explores the temporal elements unique to these mediums. Submissions need not belong to any particular genre, nor does the work need to incorporate both live and recorded elements. However applicants should keep in mind that all works will be presented in a performance or screening context, not in a gallery or open-installation setting. Details on the dates and locations of our second edition will be released when the program has been finalized.

Interested artists should apply with CV, samples of previous work, and a proposal or documentation of the piece to be considered. Submit all materials to on or before October 1, 2016.

Find more information about the concept behind our program here.